Tuesday 31 March 2009

MPs' Expenses

Now, i'm pretty sure that MPs have to pay their staff out of their expenses, which is so dumb as to be unbelievable. Who else, who "in the real world" has to pay their STAFF out of their EXPENSES?!?! Stupid.

Also, all this just makes me look at the 19 millionaires in the Tory Shadow Cabinet and think that they must be rubbing their hands with glee. Admittedly they might have to put a hand in their pocket ever so often, but their personal wealth will allow them greater latitude if expenses are cut in response to this. William Hague pisses me off, because while he's a part-time MP his staff, who do his work for him, are paid out of TAX take. So tax payers are paying for Hague to be swanning off making million. Don't hear THAT too often i've noticed

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