Thursday 23 April 2009

BNP and the Daily Mail

So the BNP are going politically correct.
And the Mail readers have a lot of support for Mr Griffin.
At time of writing, those posts in support of Mr Griffin have been flagged green (i.e. green), while those critical have been flagged red (i.e. bad) in every case.

for example:
"Have to agree with Mr Griffin on this. We in the UK are proud to be the 'Englishman in New York' whereas some nationalities seem to not be as proud of their heritage. Try calling yourself an 'English Arab' in Abu Dhabi and see how that goes down with the locals."
gets 9 green, while

"I dread to think which 'stock' Nick Griffin comes from!! Evil man..."
gets 10 red

I posted the following:
"As part of my job, a lawyer told me of cases where the BNP used threats of rape and violence against CHILDREN in their attempts to stop people testifying at court.
the exact phrase was "your children will come back with bits missing"
Now i try to spread this true about them whenever i can so that people know what they are like"
and I now wait to see if it gets approved


Rayatcov said...

As part of my job, a lawyer told me of cases where the BNP used threats of rape and violence against CHILDREN in their attempts to stop people testifying at court.

Would it be too much trouble for you to give us the facts instead of just heresay.
Thought not

Bearded Socialist said...

I wish I could, but I can't. Legal issues around privacy etc.

No, I can't prove it. It is hearsay, yes. But it is, to me, consistant with the BNP's position. The guy could have made it up on the spot, it's possible but I don't think so. So, I can't give facts to prove it, wish I could