Tuesday, 9 March 2010

Why I'm backing the Lib Dems | John Kampfner | Comment is free | The Guardian‏

Yeah yeah yeah, blah blah blah.
The Lib Dems have moved significantly to the right under Clegg, their stupid and patronising attempts to get young people in board, and the Clegg-ite obsession with sound bites means they're far more the children of New Labour than the author wants to realise. And what he doesn't want to realise, he won't.
Labour is the party of the left, in part because Labour is the party than can get into office and get things done. It's easy for the Lib Dems to make promises, they're never doing to be tested on them in office. In this case, I believe in getting your hands dirty trying to change things from the inside rather than carping from the sidelines and maintaining your purity

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