Wednesday 10 March 2010

Man mistaken for Bulger killer wants Venables named

a sobering story, showing the dangers of vigilanty justice and general right-wing moralising.


Red Mike said...

Indeed the prospect of Vigilantism is a chilling one. It reminds me of the time when the papers were releasing photos of paedophiles and sex offenders, and many innocent people took abuse because they resembled them.

Or the time that Paediatrician had his surgery wrecked because the idiots thought the sign said paedophile. Thank christ gun ownership is low in this Country.

Bearded Socialist said...

i heard the bloke on the radio twice today, and another who caused some bother by attacking someone who he thought was X, Y or Z.
The government was blamed for protecting culprits rather than victims as usual.
The interviewer mentioned maybe the media should be blamed, but those involved, even the victims, refused to blame the vigilanties themselves